#3 - Terminal

Since the last update I've decided to scrap the Station State/Section of the game in favour of something much simpler and straightforward for me to develop. 

Station State
The Station State would have had the player walking around a space station in a top down 2d grid based way (think Pokemon) in between mining jobs. My intention was to have this be a chance for the player to interact with some characters and further some plot points, take on side objectives for their next mining mission, and manage their ship/items/finances by walking to specific terminals for those things. I ultimately decided against this because I believe it to be too much work for something which isn't core to the game, which is flying around asteroids, blowing them up, picking up resources, and then selling them. The amount of art, animation, and writing it would have taken is just too much for the scope and time frame I want for this game.

Terminal State
What I've gone for instead is a Terminal State, where the player will be able to do everything I wanted them to do in the Station State, just from a single terminal UI. This is similar to how things work in games like Gunpoint and Papers Please, where there are two main states to the game, the "Playing" state (running around the buildings in Gunpoint, and manning your booth in Papers Please), and the "Management" state (your PDA in Gunpoint, and your wages allocation screen in Papers Please). This cuts down work a lot and lets me focus more of my attention on a smaller chunk of functionality, which is nice. It also means I won't be able to (or it'll just be very hard to) do some of the things I wanted to do, like have you meet characters who are in a similar position to you face to face, so you can have mundane chats about things. There's also less opportunity for inserting flavour.

Above is the progress I've made on the Terminal State. There's a lot of the important stuff in there, like ship/device/item management, and a start on the buying/selling and financial side of things. So far I'm happy with how it's turning out, I feel like I'm able to stick all the info and functionality in that I want to and still have everything feel cohesive.

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