#5 - Alpha v0.3

About 2 weeks ago I released the first public build for Deep Space Exploitation. I've been super happy with the feedback I've been getting, pretty much all of which is positive and pointing in the direction I'm already planning to take the game. This v0.3 update is here to solve some issues that were present in v0.1 and v0.2 that were quite annoying for testers, as well as introduce some level scripting mechanics and new asteroid generation.

Was "Demo", Now "Alpha"
I called the previous builds "Demos", which I think was a bit thoughtless of me since it made people think the state of the game was way more representative of what the finished product will be. So now I'll be calling these builds what they actually are, which is Alphas!

Changes in v0.3
- Added a tutorial to walk through the basics of flying, mining, and scanning. This is also the first test of simple level building and scripting.
- New asteroid generation. There are now more asteroid shapes, colour palettes, and textures. This is on display from day 2 onwards in the alpha, at which point the mining jobs are randomly generated. I'm thinking to do a little blog post about how I do the asteroid generation, maybe later when it's improved.
- Rework of inventory; There's no longer a grid based inventory, it's all lists now!
- Items will stack in the inventory, so you can now SELL ALL of something :)
- Can install tools directory from the inventory
- The state in the terminal is actually updated now, so you'll have warnings if your ship is damaged or any of your tools have low ammo counts
- If you have any warning states when trying to start a new job you'll be given a confirmation screen asking whether you're sure you want to start in your current state
- Picking up undetonated bullets can replenish your tools if they have available spaces for that type of ammo
- Bug fixes :)


Deep Space Exploitation - v0.3.zip 75 MB
34 days ago

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Good job! Will try it out when I get home :)